Selasa, 15 Maret 2011

See the world in the way your students see the world.

Impatient teachers always get annoyed when the students can't understand what they are teaching. They get angry and it makes the problem even worse. As good teachers, we have to understand that the speed of learning among their students are NOT the same. Some learn fast. Some learn more slowly. That is the fact all teachers can't deny. We have to be patient and try to see the world as how they see the world. Slow learners need more attention and patience. In fact, teachers should be 'thankful' if they have slow learners because this can be a good challenge to be more professinal. _sharedby: agustjandra_

Make the students apply what they learn.

swimming is NOT just theory

English is applied knowledge. Your students must be able to apply it in their lives. They must be able to speak it. That is the real purpose of learning a foreign language. Learning English is more or less the same as learning swimming or learning martial arts. Just theories will not work. If ,after the students learn from you, they still can't apply what they learn, the class is a failure.

martial-art girl

So, remember! A good teacher must make the students apply what they learn.
_sharedby: agustjandra_

Make the students remember longer.

A good teacher must always have ideas to deliver the material as attractively as possible. This is meant to make the students remember longer what they have learned. Some teachers use songs. Some others use pictures. Still some others use stories. These ideas vary from one teacher to another but the final goal is the same; making the students remember longer! 

soft and comfortable physical 'touch' can make a student remember longer
_sharedby: agustjandra_

Senin, 14 Maret 2011

Teaching is an art.

Teaching is an art and being a teacher is a lot of fun. All people can be 'teachers'; however, only a few of them make good teachers. A good teacher is not always the smartest. A good teacher is the one who can make the learner understand what he is teaching. _sharedby: agustjandra_

Raising the inner-interest of the learners.

A good teacher does not merely 'teach' or 'transfer' the knowledge to the learners. A good teacher must be able to raise the inner-interest of the learners. By so-doing, the learners will be self-motivated to discover as many new things as possible even without the presence of the teacher. _sharedby: agustjandra_

A creatively-designed classroom.

One of the jobs a teacher can't avoid is being creative. Being a teacher means being as creative as possible. The classroom is like an empty canvas and a creative teacher will always has smart ideas to turn it into a wonderful and comfortable place for his students to learn.

classroom wall decorated with colourful paper numbers

a cozy atmosphere stimulates the learning process

classroom wall interior

a soft-coloured carpet will make a classroom more comfortable

an interesting and comfortable classroom is another key of success

learning on a carpet

learning on a carpet

wall decoration

book shelf and model house

we can make school and classroom a more 'friendly' place for learners
_sharedby: agustjandra_

A teacher is NOT someone who has stopped learning.

A teacher is a 'student' ,too. A teacher is NOT someone who has stopped learning. The learning process is lifelong. A teacher must upgrade his skills and knowledge, too. Competition in the world of education and edutainment is very tight so only the better survive. _sharedby: agustjandra_